• Season 2

    Hope in a Mad World returns with Season 2. This is a podcast where Ian and his good buddy Raoul explore themes and current issues in informal conversation.

    You can find Hope in a Mad World on any of the main podcast platforms

    Episode 1 – The Kingdom of God.

    In this episode Raoul and Ian explore the subject of the kingdom of God. What is the Kingdom of God? What does it actually mean for the Kingdom to come from heaven to earth? What’s the corporate nature of the kingdom coming.

    Episode 2 – Life and Death or Right and Wrong

    In this episode Ian shares how being challenged to change Season 2 – Episode his thinking or paradigm from seeing the world in the light of right and wrong to living and seeing the world from the paradigm of life and death was another one of those ‘watershed’ or transformational moments in his life. Ian and Raoul then explore what that looks like in real life situations.

    Episode 3 – Developing a Redemptive Mindset.

    Carrying on from the last two episodes Ian and Raoul explore another aspect of having kingdom mindset and look at how can we develop a redemptive mindset that is looking to see redemption in a wider context than redeeming humanity.

    Episode 4 – The Accidental Believer

    Following on from the podcast on developing a redemptive mindset Ian and Raoul explore what does it mean to believe or be a believer, the process of salvation and how God is working in peoples lives and, more importantly, how do make sure we are not missing where God is working.

    Episode 5– The Unexpected Voice

    Continuing the flow of this season Ian and Raoul look at how God speaks to the whole of His creation in many and varied ways. How do we recognise and work with what God is doing.

    Episode 6 – How do we Find our Way Back….

    (released on the 20th April 2023)

    We are living in times where the polarisation and the divisions in our society are stark. In this episode Raoul and Ian open up the question ‘How do we find a way back to eachother?’. They discuss and try to find some pointers as to how do the people of God can help us to heal the world in which we live rather than further divide it.

    Episode 7 – The Human Heart

    (released on the 27th April 2023)

    In this podcast Raoul and Ian delve into the fragility and vulnerability of the human heart and what are some of the things that helpus to heal and guard our hearts.

    Episode 8 – The Shaking

    (released on the 4th May 2023)

    In this last episode of season 2 Ian and Raoul explore - where God is shaking the nations and the role of honour in responding to this shaking.

  • Christmas Special 2022

    A Merry Christmas! We are taking a break from the season 1 podcasts but we have what I think will be a memorable Christmas Special for you!

    It takes a look at Dickens novel - ‘A Christmas Carol’ and explores how we can recapture the magic of Christmas and the power of redemption.

    We hope you enjoy it.

    Have a great Christmas and may you know the presence of Emmanuel in your home and family.

    You can find Hope in a Mad World on any of the main podcast platforms

  • Season 1

    Hope in a Mad World is a podcast where Ian and his good buddy Raoul explore themes and current issues in informal conversation.

    You can find Hope in a Mad World on any of the main podcast platforms

    Episode 1 - Introduction 1.

    In this episode Raoul helps us explore Ian’s journey and  understand a little more of who Ian is and what motivates him.

    Episode 2 - Introduction 2.

    In this episode Ian helps us explore Raoul’s journey and understand a little more of who Ian is and what motivates him.

    Episode 3 - what are the ancient paths?

    In this episode Ian and Raoul explore the idea of ancient paths and what does it mean to rediscover and tap into the ancient ways of the Christian faith covering the change in culture in the west, mercy and justice, how do view paradox and much more.

    Episode 4 - What the heck is going on in the church?

     In this episode Ian and Raoul explore the sense that a new ‘era’ is dawning in the world and how has/is the church responding to this change. How do we view people leaving traditional forms of church? What can the Book of Joshua and Daniel help us understand these changes? ….. and much more. 

    Episode 4 - Understanding the transformational power of the fruit of the Spirit – Part 1.

    In this episode Raoul and Ian explore the centrality of us embracing the importance of the fruit of the Spirit, the link to the glory and character of God and how this should be the ‘golden vein’ that guides and runs through every Jesus followers life. 

    Episode 6 - Understanding the transformational power of fruit of the Spirit – Part 2.

    In this episode Ian and Raoul continue to explore the centrality of the fruits of the fruit and how it becomes transformational not just for the individual but for the communities we engage – how the fruits can start to impact the way are missional and how we view mission.

    Episode 7- Community - Family, Friends and neighbours.

    Raoul and Ian start to explore the subject of community. Raoul explains some of his own journey in finding a faith community. They then start to ask questions and challenge how we presently view the church, the place of community in hearing God, in finding His will, mind and heart.

    Episode 8 - Legacy.

    In this podcast Ian Raoul start to explore what does it mean to leave a legacy. Do we need look to further than 5 year plan and look towards a 500 year plan?

  • Accepted and Understood Podcast with Carol Stewart on Quietly Visible

    Jessica has spent much of her life observing people, none of whom are ordinary. Listening to them, seeing them and attempting to truly understand and accept them, including all the not so good bits, Jessica has observed that this brings safety in relationships, hope and therefore growth and connection.

    Understanding that we are not on our own in our introversion, shyness and anxiety, changes our reality, outlook and attitude to life. It is ok to be yourself; for you to be you. All the rest are taken!

    The conversation in this episode covers a range of topics centering around the 'confident, hopeful self' and the journey to realizing and accepting that it only takes one person to be interested, you in them and they in you, and suddenly you are no longer by yourself; you can begin to grow and flourish … and be your confident and hopeful self.

    You can find Quietly Visible on any of the main podcast platforms.