Workshops We Offer

  • Moving in the Prophetic

    The prophetic gift is often seen either as a special gift for the chosen few or seen as a weird fringe activity for the weird people. But what if it is an important and essential gift that God has given to His people to see the coming of the Kingdom of God and help shape people, communities and culture? Paul holds it in high regard and exhorts the Corinthian church and individuals to take it seriously and eargerly desire all the gifts but especially the gift of prophecy as a ‘.. way of following the way of love….’ (1Corinthians 14; 1Tim. 4:14; 1Thess. 5:19-22).

    In this workshop we look at a Biblical framework for understanding the prophetic including exploring how it is for all the people of God. There is also an examination of how we can receive the prophetic gift, how we can weigh it and see it flourish in the midst of community.

  • Hearing God

    We are all able and called to hear God. In this workshop we look at how God communicates with His creation within a scriptural and theological framework. We will learn together how to practice hearing/discerning God’s voice. This is a very practical workshop where we will explore hearing/discerning God’s voice. We will also look at the role it plays in leadership, prayer ministry, prophetic ministry, prayer and intercession, discipleship and everyday life.

  • An introduction to Polycentric Leadership - (Consensus leadership)

    This workshop explores the basis for polycentric or consensus leadership and what are the essential foundational building blocks for it to work. We also look at its strengths and weaknesses and contrast it with other more familiar styles of leadership.

    We do offer other workshops, coaching, mentoring and consultancy to leadership communities, teams and business that want to either start with this type of leadership model, explore it as a possibility or transition to it.

  • Leadership 1 – The Basics

    We can only reproduce who we are. Leaders are no exception. Therefore, giving attention to their character and way of life is essential. In this workshop we look at the basic tools to help us in character formation, character transformation and spiritual formation or rhythms that will give us a solid foundation to build on and lead others.

  • Leadership 2 – What it takes to Lead (two day workshop)

    We are facing an identity crisis in our society and if we are going to be leaders that are able to help transform individuals, communities and cultures then we have to have a very good grasp of our who we are – what is our identity. In these workshops we explore how we can get a grasp on understanding who we are in Christ, what do we need to do to really understand ourselves and how we affect the contexts we enter. Alongside understanding ourselves we need to develop and have tools to understand others.

  • Leadership 3 – What tools and skills do I need to Lead Well

    What does it take to be an effective leader? What tools and skills will help me? In the this third workshop on Leadership we examine and review useful tools and skills that help us be effective leaders.

  • Practising Joy

    Developing emotional stability for life.

    Research has shown that we have 80 000 thoughts a day, and that 80% of these are negative. Am I therefore just the sum of my negative thinking and if I am, how can I change?

    Practising Joy is an eight week down to earth course based on Christian values and aimed at transforming our thinking with simple skills and practices that we can use anywhere. When applied regularly we not only change our mind set but behaviour, relationships and focus as well. We learn to tune into our thoughts and feelings, those of our family and friends and of our God who knows us so well. We become more attached to Him, and we find we are following the example of His son, Jesus.

  • Strengths coaching

    CliftonStrengths coaching can help to identify our unique gifts - our individual patterns of thought, feeling or behaviour that differentiate each of us from others and are sources of energy and life, engagement and motivation. When understood and applied in a positive, productive way, our uniqueness can become our strength, and we can be free to be our true selves, not trying to be someone we are not! What could those strengths be for you? At the moment they may even feel like weaknesses.

    Need to reflect, develop, or recharge in an effective and mindful way? If you haven't come across Strengths have a look at StrengthsFinder 2.0 on Amazon, or get in touch to access an assessment code and book some coaching in.

 Pricing/Suggested Donation 

Digital Workshop


  • 2hr workshop

2 hour Workshop


  • 2 hour on-site workshop

  • license to reproduce printed materials

*does not include any travel or accomodation costs

4 hour Workshop


  • 3 hour on-site workshop

  • license to reproduce printed materials

*does not include any travel or accomodation costs

Full Day Workshop


  • Full day on-site workshop

  • license to reproduce any printed materials

*does not include any travel or accomodation costs

Workshop Add-on

£75 per hour/$100 per hour*

if people want some extra coaching or follow-up sessions these are charged at the rate above and can be pre-arranged or arranged during/after the event

*does not include any travel or accomodation costs involved

Coaching/Mentoring/Spiritual Direction

Generally, these services are charged at £75-100/$100-120 per session which is between 1.5/2 hr in length. Altough, some coaching etc. is more expensive due to the nature and intensity of the process. All costs will be agreed beforehand.